You are retarded.

I spent most of my life being represented by Senator Strom Thurmond. He was a Democrat that stood against the adoption of civil rights being added to the Democratic platform in 1948. Eventually, he settled in the Republican party and praised Nixon for holding off the implementation of full integration in southern schools through use of the "Southern Strategy" in 1968. It played, more or less, on the same societal decay premise that Democrats had used in the South leading up, during, and after the Civil War. All of those disaffected Democrats became Republicans. Hence, the implosion of the Democrat "Solid South" over the past forty years or so.

Never, in the above post, did I exonerate Democrats for anything in their past. I merely pointed out that many of the racist elements within the Democratic party shifted to the Republicans in the mid-twentieth century.

Please point out where I did anything that you claimed. I didn't. You are retarded and reading things into my statements that aren't there. I simply stated the shift and questioned the supposed omission of Democratic racism.

I'm a historian and have taught history courses in the past. No such omission of the facts exist. It is pure fantasy to portray this as some great cover up. So, please, shut your ignorant pie hole.