my wife and I reorganized the entertainment cabinet to accommodate her n64 and ps2 in addition to her parents' nintendo not-a-real-word. I think a lot of people are going back to the consoles and games they enjoyed a console generation or two ago because they're getting increasingly frustrated with the bullshit developers are putting them through. the industry keeps moving away from the up-front single-purchase sales model we've always enjoyed and toward a subscription-based model that wrings every last bit of profitability out of games at the slight cost of originality, innovation, and the buyer getting their money's worth. cracked had a few good articles about why console gaming is going down the shitter, and sadly even PC gaming (at least of the single-player variety) seems to be in trouble, as valve and bethesda seem to be two of the only decent developers remaining who aren't completely intent on fucking gamers over.


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