I promised myself that I wouldn't buy this damn thing brand new because I didn't want to support Rockstar anymore--even if they do make the best free roam games.

Unfortunately, someone got it for me as a gift. So the matter of not supporting them was taken out of my hands. Gives me a new perspective on buying things for other people.

....That being said, it's an awesome game so far. I don't have the same warm fuzzy playing it like I did with GTA: San Andreas--as opposed to GTA4, of which I have very little positives to mention--and the overall map is pretty empty (I really wish they included San Fierro). Despite these drawbacks however, the interactivity with the environment is amazing and the writing is miles better than what's come before it.

Nowie. You played it yet?

Last edited by Pariah; 2013-09-19 6:02 AM.