Aye, I love the IDW format. I've been following GI Joe there since they took the license. If you've not read their original run of 'Cobra' (featuring Chuckles and Jinx!), do so. Now. It's one of the finest comics runs I've ever read. 'Hearts and Minds' was really good too.

I've not tried Judge Dredd, but I've never been a fan. I'm keen on finding some of Al Ewing's work with the character though. His stuff at Marvel this year has floored me. Pure, raw comics with franchise characters. He did more with the Black Widow in one off issue of Avengers Assemble than anyone else managed all year.

But YES, Sidekick! I love that book! Zero is another great Image title right now. The first two issues have been brilliant.

And, yeah, DC is doing everything right these days. Forever Evil has been pure fun, with Arkham War and Rogue's Rebellion both being fun reads.

Superman/Wonder Woman #1 actually blew me out of the water. I was expecting utter shit, given what they've been putting out for both characters for the past two years. Out of nowhere THIS was the Wonder Woman comic I've been waiting to read! YMMV, obviously, but I was completely chuffed with this issue. It's the first book in a long while that I read again as soon as I'd finished reading it. Pure fun, cover to cover.

If karma's a bitch, it will be my bitch!