Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
They don't own the land WB. Not sure about the other accusations you make but it seems to me it was the government that left instead of hurting a bunch of armed people that looked ready to fire on the BLM workers.

Yes, I guess that's predictably how you'd see it.

You completely bypass the trumped-up nature of the charges against Bundy, the way ALL of the Bundy family's 52 neighboring ranchers have been leveraged off their property and forced to give up ranching.
And how excessive it is for 200 agents to come on Bundy's ranch with snipers, allegedly because 150 cows ate some state property (possibly federal property) grass, and because of an endangered desert turtle that's numbers are growing so fast that the same federal agency is euthanizing the same turtles used to rationalize aiming snipers at the Bundy family.

But for the grace of God, this is Waco and Randy Weaver all over again. Authoritarian federal agents who harass and intimidate with restraint from rule of law. Only global media exposure is making BLM and their snipers back off.