Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
MEM, he's just using the sniper rifle's scope to get a closer look at things. He left his binoculars at home.


His rifle clearly doesn't have a scope, but funny nonetheless.

Seriously, the people with guns were taking defensive positions because massive amounts of firepower were pointed AT THEM by BLM and FBI agents. In answer to way-over-the-line intimidation tactics by federal agents, they were intimidating them back, taking defensive positions, assuring that if the BLM and FBI started shooting, that they would be able to put up a fight.

And even so, with 200 federal agents, with helicopters giving them air superiority, the armed protestors supporting the Bundy family were still overwhelmingly outgunned. They just assured it wouldn't be a slaughter like Waco or Ruby Ridge.

And only internet video, exposing the true situation to the world, prevented federal agents from opening fire on the Bundy ranch protestors.