The BLM didn't even seize the cattle for sale. They did it for pure intimidation, and just to deprive him of property and capital.

As proven by the corpses of dead cattle the Bundy family found buried after the BLM agents stood down and left.

There is no principle or law on the part of the BLM and FBI, this is just about intimidation and authoritarian control.
Specifically, Agenda 21.

Long before any trumped up law was passed to force the Bundy family to pay grazing fees, this land was theirs, since the 1870's. Suddenly, a new law was passed saying Bundy had to pay fees for the same land his family has been using for 140 years.

The question you NEVER answer, M E M, is why it was okay to push 52 other cattle-rancher families off their land. They were intimidated, where the Bundy family will not be. If they were DNC party donors or committed progressive leftists, no doubt you would suddenly acknowledge that these are human beings with rights that have been violated.
This is not about Bundy allegedly trying to be a mooch getting something for free. He is not paying out of principle. I've seen multiple stories where the fees he owes are at most $300,000 and yet BLM manipulation has pushed them up over $1 million!
For grazing cows?
Does that make ANY sense?

It is clear, M E M, that you are sucking on the propaganda tit of Media Matters and the far-left propaganda machine, and you are eager to suck down any tainted milk they feed you. You refuse to acknowledge the obvious federal over-reach, even when they are pointing guns in these families' faces, over minor fees for grass grazing and endangered turtles.
You demonize these people because you see them as a conservative/Tea Party symbolic victory over the liberal fascists you support. And if they shot these people or dragged them off to a death camp, you would STILL support it, and not raise the slightest criticism.

It frankly pisses me off that you can't acknowledge the basic rights of people you disagree with politically. And you endorse such a gun-toting/attack-dog/tasering jackbooted over-reach of the BLM and FBI.
It was very lucky that no one got shot because of that federal over-reach, and yet you endorse these bully tactics, even when they literally put lives at risk, for no justifiable reason.