As of Monday, officials have seized 234 of Bundy’s 908 cattle. Impounding the cattle alone could cost the government as much as $3 million.

“They just brought a load down today,” she said. “They kind of harass us as well. When we leave they follow us.”

This afternoon eight helicopters surrounded the family after they began taking pictures, according to Bundy’s daughter, Bailey. Their son, Dave Bundy, was arrested for taking pictures on state road 170, which has been closed, and is being held by BLM.

The standoff is over now, but at the height of it, what purpose did it serve for the BLM to come in with their guns, attack dogs and tasers?
To seize cattle to recoup the cost of fines?
As said here, impounding the cattle alone would cost up to $3 million.
TRIPLE what even the trumped-up padded federal grazing fees add up to. And that's not even including the cost of staking out the ranch for a week or so with highly paid federal agents, high-tech surveillance, and helicopters flying constantly over the ranch for that week.

Yeah, that was really worth brandishing guns, attack dogs and tasers in protestors' faces.