I'm not much of a football fan, but despite no interest in the game, this is a really interesting story with a lot of angles.

This guy was taped beating his wife in an elevator from two different angles.

It opens a forum on domestic battery.

It opens a forum on domestic battery IN THE NFL. And of other crimes committed by a high ratio of players, that often get a free pass by their employers.

You have women fans who still defend the guy, and even wear his shirt in support of him.

It shines a spotlight on how people worship players (and other celebrities) no matter what unconscionable things they do. Rice could have killed his then-fiancé/now-wife. And if she was dead when he carried her out of that elevator, he probably would have carried her limp body with no less callousness.

There's also the callous business and politics of the NFL and how they handled it, that resembles a political conspiracy. What did they know and when did they know it? And whether there was something of a cover-up.

Also ironically, the victimization of Rice's fiancé. And how ending Rice's career actually hurts her. Leaving him deeply frustrated, without income, and alone with her. That firing him likely puts her in more danger, and in that aspect is actually punishing her.

And the irony that she married Rice, right after he knocked her unconscious. The complex things going on in her head that would make her marry her attacker instead of dumping him.

A lot of angles.
Not only of what happened, but how it was reported by the media.