There are people, certainly in the media, who are cheering on the notion of another Bush vs. Clinton standoff in 2016.

If Jeb Bush makes it to the general election, it will be the 5th time a Bush has been on the ticket in 28 years (Bush Sr in 1988 and 1992, George W. in 2000 and 2004), and the 7th time in 36 years (Bush as VP on the ticket in 1980 and 1984).

I would be thrilled if Jeb Bush didn't really want the job, but was just clearing the field of all but serious candidates for 2016. Although I think he does want the job. I'd much prefer another run by Romney, or an arguably even more proven governor like Scott Walker. Although Jeb Bush would be nice to have on the ticket as VP to secure Florida for the GOP, and has wide appeal to Hispanics.

I think the Clinton dynasty is in its death-throes. Daughter Chelsea is dumb as a rock, and Hillary's stock is also fading. Hillary's credibility is completely reliant on Bill Clinton's legacy. Her strength in the polls is name recognition, not accomplishments.

Among the Bush's, Jeb is the only one with both the credentials and the ambition to be president, at least for a few decades. I don't like a number of stated positions by Jeb Bush, particularly on immigration. What Jeb proposes is what Buchanan, Coulter and others expose as suicide of the GOP. I see him as another Council on Foreign Relations/Trilateral Commission globalist who will further undermine U.S. nationalism and sovereignty over the long term. Not as quickly as the Democrats, but still moving in the wrong direction.
I'd like to see a firm and unapologetic conservative with a strong sense of nationalism and U.S. sovereignty to step up as a 2016 candidate. Marco Rubio would be far better in this regard than Jeb Bush. Rand Paul, maybe. But I don't see Rand Paul having either the charisma or the backing to win in 2016, let alone in the primaries.