
I've been trying to do all that I can with my time while still posting here every now and again.

I'm not gonna lie. My interest dwindled over time, so I had to force myself to come here to keep it alive in some fashion. Don't ask me why I felt the need to do so, because I have no fucking clue. Thankfully, Gamergate came along, so it was easier than usual.

I've been in the public sector for far longer than I would have thought--and especially longer than I've wanted. I may have a shot at an extremely lucrative contracting job in the very near future, but after spending the better part of a year with those lazy fuckheads, I'm not certain I want to be associated with their sponging ilk any longer.

Right now I'm enjoying a relatively brief twilight time between active duty and a civilian lifestyle. I just recently got back home, but I'm still on orders, and my new interim job doesn't start for awhile. As such, I've been catching up on....everything. News, hobbies, career options, etc..