I bought Ultimate Cataclysm of whatever it was called - Galactus devours New Jersey - thinking it would be better than it was.

Spoilers: Thor gets trapped in the Negative Zone with Galactus - easily retrievable. Fucking Macgyver could rescue him with a toilet roll and a tanning machine. Captain America dies in a plane crash - no body seen. Iron Man cries. Um. That's it.

Waste of bloody money. The point is that it was a nice way to read a crossover - as a consolidated volume.

Same goes for Age of Ultron - which was worth the purchase, and was quite chilling in places. Not quite sure why Pym's execution and the subsequent non-existence of Ultron and the Vision meant Morgan Le Fey would conquer Europe, and assume I missed some obscure old Avengers story where Vision saves the day against Le Fey, but I didn't need to know it in order to enjoy the story. And Colonel America - great concept. Anyway, the collected work was nice to read and I didn't have to dick about with individual titles.

Pimping my site, again.
