Originally Posted By: Stupid Doog
Those people's jobs suck. Have any of you been in a call center? It's a cesspool of misery and dick hole management. Chances are high the person who did that quit that day. It probably should have been Bitch Brown instead of Asshole tho. Cuz she's a female.

I can vouch for that. About 20 years ago I worked in a call center for a rental car company, and then customer support for a bank. I never made nasty comments on a customer's account notes, but I did print out hardcopies of some of the more absurd situations I dealt with. I kept them in a manila folder I called "the Ridiculous File", that several of my closest co-workers really enjoyed.
Only at the rental car company, I wouldn't want to duplicate or be responsible for a bank customer's financial information. And this was in an era before identity theft was rampant.

At the bank, I actually got a call from Harlan Ellison!

I also got a call from a doctor in my physician's office, who was involved in consolidating and making a payment plan for his debt. I mean, a doctor makes in the neighborhood of $200,000 a year, but some people still don't know how to manage their finances, and even at those wages, spend more than they earn.

The most annoying part for me was having managers monitor your calls. I had one manager score me 100% on a call evaluation (you had three a month evaluated) telling me I was patient, let the customer vent, and then helped him.
A month later, I handled an identical kind of call the exact same way, and the bitch manager scored me 60%, saying I didn't use enough "call control" (i.e., interrupt him, talk over him, and get him off the line).

The worst I ever did was hang up on a select few really unpleasant people.