I recently got a stun gun. It's not made in China but it's pretty much a no-name brand. It looks like a flash light but the ends have metal prongs that spark when you use the stun gun. I did some reading around and it seems that it's rather weak @ 1m volts/2.5A, but since Filipinos are small people, I imagine this is enough to take down an attacker for a few seconds, giving me enough time to run like a bitch or to scream (again, like a bitch.)

One thing that bothers me is that I have no way of actually testing if this will do the trick. I would try it on myself and see if it knocks me out but I already have problems with my health and don't want to give myself a heart attack. The stun gun gives off a really loud crackling sound and emits a noticeable electric arc, but how do I know that it's not just for show? It would be really deadly if I use this during a life-threatening emergency only to find out that it doesn't really work. I imagine the attacker would laugh at my stupidity while strangling me to death. That would be embarassing.

It's made out of heavy aluminum, though. So I guess it could be used to bludgeon someone.