So DC is rebooting the reboot...

Superman is wearing the outfit that Morrison put him, in probably because DC thinks it's the outfit--and not the fact that Morrison is a superior Superman writer--that attracted fans to that aspect of the character.

Wonder woman's costume is probably something that Zack Snyder and whomever is in charge of the movie thought she should wear after B vs S.

Batman...that's not Batmsn. On a good day, that's an admission they want to rip off RD Jr. and Iron Man. Rest of the year that's CHAPPIE.

Fuck Geoff Johns. Fuck Jim Lee. Fuck them up their stupid asses. Put editorial in the hands of Dini and Timm or just sell it off to Disney- Marvel. Hell, give it to Adam West. Bottom line is the current clowns in charge have no idea how to handle these characters.

Last edited by the G-man; 2015-03-14 1:00 AM.