Kilowog interview:
"Hal & I go way back y'know?. I mean...I trained the guy fer frack's sake. Best natural ring-slinger I ever trained y'know? What's that? Did I have any idea how it would turn out? No,no I didn't. I mean the whole Parallax space bug wasn't in the cards that's fer damn sure,not to mention him,y'know,killin' me. But I came back and Hal was Hal again and things were goin' alright there for a while. Then there was the whole Guardians goin' nuts and tryin' to murder us an' Hal,that crazy bastard,he really stepped up. Took charge of the Corps. Proud of him. That's when it started....the beatings I mean. I knew Hal was stressed. Who wouldn't be in his position? I was there for him y'know? At first it was just venting,then when I threw some advice his way,he just lost it. Smacked me around a bit. Didn't really hurt,physically, took me by surprise more'n anything. I didn't do anythin'....just,I dunno,stunned is what I was. I shrugged it off to blowin' off some steam. But then it became more regular,the beatings,the verbal abuse...I couldn't fight back though....just couldn't. I love that poozer. What's a poozer? It's just somethin' affectionate I call some of 'em. Sounds like what? Oh...heh,heh...yeah,no. Not that. This last time,beatin',whatever ya wanna call it,I asked fer it. I knew no one would believe I just walked into a door like the previous times. Not after Hal stole the gauntlets. So I told him to make it convincing an' he did....real good job too. No,I don't hold anythin' against him. I'll always be there for him...<sobs>...always.

End interview.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
