Originally Posted By: Pariah
Sooooo....G-man. What exactly are your thoughts on ISIS?

Back in the 70s she was really hot. Not as hot as Lynda Carter, but definitely in my top five.

Oh, you mean the terrorist group that's welcome at Cornell.

My first two impressions when I read the original article were: (1) This guy is going to be the center of a major shitstorm; (2) I’m not sure he understood what he had just done, and probably didn’t know that the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria was the full name of ISIS,...or what Hamas was.

Of course, Hamas is also a known terrorist group, officially recognized as such by the US government. One would think even a fake dean would have caught THAT reference.

That being said, I feel sort of sorry for the dean. I have little doubt that the guy was following orders from higher-ups that, when a "disadvantaged student of color" comes in and asks about sponsoring an event, the dean here is supposed to mollify the student, pass it up the ladder and not, in any way, give the impression that Cornell might be hostile to whatever third world victimization group the student might be following. After all, god forbid the university get accused of creating a "trigger event" or "micro aggression" by not catering to the kids' sense of entitlement through victimization.