I found out about this while looking for more info on the Dylan Dog character (which started out with watching Dellamorte Dellamore) - it stars Brandon Routh (does this guy have a comic book curse or something? every time he stars in a comic book film, it either flops or gets ravaged by critics) as the titular private investigator.

The plot isn't special: there's some sort of brewing war within the undead community and the retired Dylan is stuck in the middle, trying to find out who's been pulling the strings behind the curtain. There's also a powerful artifact called the Heart of Belial, which turns an undead into an unkillable demon that can only be stopped by killing its creator. Also, it's got Kurt Angle and Peter Stormare as Werewolves.

It's getting a lot of 2 star reviews on IMDB and it didn't show up on anybody's radar, so I guess not many people liked it. It's enjoyable, though and at least worth a rental. It's what Keannu Reeves' Constantine would have turned out if they didn't take themselves too seriously or a movie version of Grimm, if they had slightly better special effects and better monster designs.