Yeah its the moronic comments like "you know what doctors call motorcyclists" that always come from those who have no comprehension of bikes.
Fact is most motorbike accidents are caused by cars. Cars crash into bikes, cars crash into cars and cars crash into people. You rarely hear bikes crashing into bikes or bikes crashing into people.
Also, more people die in car crashes than bike crashes, although obviously the odds of survival are higher in a car crash.

Anyone who says bikes are dangerous etc etc, is blatantly ignoring that any form of transport is dangerous. I have never lost any friends in bike crashes, but have certainly lost friends in car crashes.

As long as you ride sensibly, and keep your wits about you, you will go without any major crashes for your life. I have had a few nasty smashes, but worst I have ever had is a broken little finger in one crash and a dislocated toe in another. I have been riding for 27 years. I have been over cars and through cars, and seeing as they were all low speed crashes around 30mph, the crash helmet etc have protected me. So much for "organ donors".