Originally Posted By: Pariah
I just looked it up. Apparently, Carter helped make the whole thing. I really want to read it now.

I'm twelve issues in, and I wanted to read the rest before watching the reboot, but I got impatient.

So.....Hmmmm....The Alex Jones analogue is, ostensibly, the bearer of truth and common sense. I'll agree with that about 70-75% of the time. I like InfoWars in general. That being said, I don't believe 911 was engineered by the government...Or in Lizard people...Or some other crazy shit.

Still, this feels like a bait and switch. The outspoken far-right obsessive provides instant revelations that aliens were, in fact, trying to help us over the past century--and the idea of some kind of cosmic civil war being fought above our heads was just a narrative cooked up by cloak-and-dagger shadow governments, thus rendering moot all of Mulder and Scully's efforts over the past two decades. His monologue towards the end just sounds too staged for Chris Carter to suggest it's genuine.

Supposing O'Malley (Alex Jones) is right though, and the series has no intention of turning him into a covert antagonist.....I dunno. It's a tough pill to swallow. I'm definitely on board with the idea of changing the emphasis from fantastical alien invaders to the very real tyrannical dregs of humanity here on the ground. While I love X-Files, I always felt guilty for getting lost in the idea that our destruction would come from alien colonists, and not from our own neighbors. It kind of lulled me into a false sense of security. But all of that being said, undoing a ten-year construction like X-Files and its extra terrestrial roots in a single hour is, frankly, impossible.

I will continue to watch and enjoy, but the story is on unsteady ground.