Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
It looks like most of what he does is a lot of naked fat women. I do like his Guy Gardner stuff.

I kind of over-represented that in the images I chose. I hope you don't mind the nude women!

Yeah, the GUY GARDNER run is his best work, it's too bad he didn't do another run after, to give it some competition for Byrd's best series. The only other he did for any length of time was CAT & MOUSE 1-12, 14-18 in 1990-1991, rougher early work. Byrd only did full art for about 65 issues. The SQ Productions books have a lot of unpublished proposed new series by Byrd. Maybe he left comics because he couldn't find a publisher for the work he was producing. A lot of semi-nude adventurer women stuff.