Even before this revelation, Bill Clinton's regular visits to a pedophile's Neverland Ranch should have been big news two years or so ago when it first broke. And no doubt would have gotten far more scrutiny if it had been a Republican scandal, instead of one involving the Democrats' arguably most popular president since FDR.
Why hasn't it?
Oh. Yeah.
The "Hillary 2016!" 80% liberal media.

Even bigger news is the way Hillary Clinton has looked the other way, at this as well as at Bill Clinton's other abuses of women. And more than that, led the charge to discredit Clinton accusers such as Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick.
Even calling Hillary an "enabler" doesn't fully capture the self-serving evil of Hillary's war on women to advance her own political ambitions. What little chance Hillary has of becoming president is not built on her achievementless tenure as First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, or presidential candidate. It is only possible on riding the coat-tails of her philandering husband's waning popularity.