Listening to all of those platitudes and that affirmative language about "staying united" and "coming together" is so obviously a second vie for lulling the populace into the same sleep that put Britain (and the US) in chains in the first place; might as well be Crooked Hillary speaking over there. Clearly, being united is the last thing people want since the country firmly established that they're done with tolerating either one trying to consolidate and homogenize the other. The real question to be asked is which paradigm has more right to demand cultural conformity from the opposing party. Labour, SNP, et al wants everyone to "unite" so that the more aggressive leftist culture will threaten and coerce the traditional Brits into doing as they're told. In contrast, the traditional and ethnic British just want the intruders and the cucks to stay the fuck away from them so they can live in peace.

And then hearing those two Labour cunts talk about not wanting to seem decadent in the eyes of the people and claiming that Corbyn was with the lower class every step of the campaign made me mad at the UKIP rep for not saying anything. It had already been established by the vote itself that the working class is not on their side–and neither are they with them. They have no ground by which to argue such bullshit.

And–of course–ALL of them have to virtue-signal about not being associated with, or being "repelled" by, UKIP like absolute cucks.

Early in the twentieth century, these faggots came to power by pushing the oppressor binary and assigning a grand narrative of subversion to the so-called "have nots". For a hundred years, it was all about taking ill gotten power from the high brow, overfed tyrants characterized by the moderate to right wing establishments. Needless to say, it has worked. But now that the same Critical Theorists who pushed that narrative have siphoned the power and resources from the previous establishment to the extent that they are now the elite, there's less concern with the same "oppression"lip-service that put them in positions of authority and influence. As time has gone on, they've managed to flip the binary so that the working class are no longer the oppressed, but rather the unenlightened, uneducated, and intellectually unworthy masses, whereas the limousine leftists are enlightened, educated, and more fit to rule over what they view to be the unwashed and unruly folk. But despite this deconstructionist 180, they still get away with it–as usual.