Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yeah I think you are way out there with that opinion. I would guess even the ones here that are inclined to loathe agreeing with me here on the rkmb's would agree with me here. I would add it's very interesting that somebody who works for the government has your feelings. The government teate is firmly in your mouth by your own choosing. That doesn't really make sense does it?

How often have you left Minnesota? Talked to other US cultures?

There are fifty states in this country. An among those states, over 150 cultures.

One hundred and fucking fifty cultures being homogenized by a centralized government run by a scant few people, and you think people are generally happy with that? Even in the liberal states that I've been to, I've met more than a few people who love to operate independent of the federal arm.

 Originally Posted By: First Amongst Daves
Hang on. Pariah, you're a secessionist?

Or are you just small government?

I've always been small government--in theory. But at this point, with all the history under our collective belts, I'm convinced that no government based in a heterogeneous society would ever remain small, and therefore government is the principle issue.

And so, my official stance is balls out AnCap.

Yes, I do believe that all fifty states should become independent, and what's more states should be broken down into smaller parts to best represent their individual cultures. California alone has no less that eight different cultures divided among forty million people, and all of the decisions that are made for them originate from only a handful of people in the legislature that have outside interests tangent to those of actual Californians.

A ballot measure was proposed that would break it up into six different states, but the left kept it as quiet as possible so it wouldn't get the signatures required to put it up for a vote.

But for the UK it makes little economic sense because without being in the club in Europe, you're fucked. It was a case of Little Britain-ers saying, "We hate foreigners!" and then afterwards saying, "Oh shit, we cocked that up". Cornwall is a classic example. Huge recipient of economic support from the EU. They voted in favour of Brexit because they're chavs and country bumpkins whose main non-Anglo cultural experience is eating curry. Now they are all shitting themselves as to when the money is going to run out.

I heard a story, perhaps apocryphal, that a taxi driver carting a Sikh doctor to a hospital asked what the doctor was still doing in England since "we voted all you lot out". Shit-for-brains driving his cab thought it was a vote for ethnic cleansing.

Whether or not they voted to kick out minorities is their business. I'm not gonna judge how they want their country and culture maintained.

Economically speaking, however, the only reason that any trouble would come to Britain upon exit is due to any dependencies foisted upon them by continued association with the EU in the first place. Why should Brits be coerced into staying with the organization that caused the issue? That's demagoguery, plain and simple.

Even so, people are overstating economic difficulties as far as Brexit is concerned. Remainians were scaremongering about the pound plummeting far lower than it did and not recovering for decades. That turned out to be BS.