Fourteen years, Dave. And you still can't link properly.

Renton doesn't sound any less self-righteous to tell you the truth.

What stands out to me about the Boomer video is that it actually goes after the post WWII generation for being duped by a tangent reality produced by an overarching authority that has sought to enforce their narrative as a superstructure existing over all basic cultures, thus making it easier to control and conduct the masses. Every antecedent associated with WWII that has been rehashed to us over and over again is a gigantic fucking lie, after all. In which case, we've been wandering in the darkness for over seventy years because of this mind disease that was purposefully given to them by the Critical Theorists and Postmodernists who rose to become the intellectual elite in the forties and fifties. I try to explain to my parents how the slogans they've been fed are cancerous to both me and them, but their ears are stapled shut on the issue--as is the case with all other boomers I've spoken to, and the children they've hypnotized.

Trainspotting, by comparison, seems to attack the natural progression of society as the source for the simulacra, when in fact it was an intellectual revolution that was forcibly administered to the people that put us in this hovel.

Fight Club, similarly, only gets it half right. An ad-based consumer obsession--along with the embedded messages the ads harbor--has proven toxic to our masculinity. But it overshot the mark and went so far as to blame capitalism as an inherently feminine construct that basically "calmed down" the populace by turning us into reactionary drones, attuned to sensory feedback that entertains while simultaneously disarming us. It was never the capitalist system, but rather the rent-seekers and the cronies that worked in congress with the centralized powers to deliver prepackaged memes that would undermine our individual natures as masculine entities since feminine masses are easier to conduct and control. Capitalist-derived Corporatism was never the principle issue, but rather the medium by which the malicious memes found entry into our consciousness. And infiltration by, and within, the state made the memes ultra wideband.