To a large extent I agree with G-man, that if Trump had been quiet, the story of the day would have been the Orlando, FL islamic shooter's dad attending Hillary's campaign rally.

But with the media who clearly despise Trump and are openly campaigning for Frau Hitlery, I think no matter what Trump says, they will take Trump's words out of context to imply anything they want. Which is always that Trump is crazy and unelectable.
I watched the opening minutes of ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN, and they all led with Trump's alleged "advocating violence" by gun owners.

None of the networks had much to say about Hillary Clinton's e-mails apparently revealing top-secret information to the Iranians that may have revealed the nuclear engineer informant who the Iranians executed yesterday.
None of the networks had much to say about Hillary's self-incriminating remarks that she "short-circuited" in her mischaracterizing FBI director James Comey's remarks that clearly revealed she did not tell the truth about her e-mails, that she was negligent at best, guilty of that alone (at least!) as a crime, and Comey only said in the odd rationale of being "reasonable" he did not recommend prosecution.

It's a one-sided media. And short of jamming every other network so the nation could only watch Fox News, to break through the propaganda wall and reach tens of millions of zombies who only hear a biased pro-Hillary message in the news they watch, I don't know how you reach these people.