Not usually a fan of Hannity, but I think he did a great job on these two episodes Saturday and Sunday.

The first night he primarily focused on the surviving parents of children who were killed by illegal immigrants. Powerful and infuriating testimony, with hard statistics at several points of the annual crimes of illegals. Almost 650,000 felonies in the state of Texas alone!

I don't see how anyone could watch these mothers and fathers and not be moved. At several points, they say with outrage how Democrats talk about how compassionless it is to deport immigrants and break up families, and they powerfully respond "What about the breaking up of our families?!?"

While liberals like to front that illegals commit crimes at a ratio lower than that of U.S. citizens, that spin-point hides that there are tens of thousands of murders, rapes, kidnappings, drunk driving accidents, violent assaults, robberies that are committed every year by illegals, and that results in broken lives and broken families, and an enormous cost to taxpayers of over 100 billion annually. Committed by people who never should have been here in the first place, and have often been repeatedly deported.

Trump's part in the discussion is central, and it reflects well on him as a candidate who will truly make a difference, for which many interviewed are deeply appreciative.