Australia-Dave, I don't see that you have a lack of ability to see what the facts are in the U.S. regarding Trump vs. Hillary. You have access from your keyboard to the same sources we read and watch.

As I think many of us have said abundantly in our posts, Trump has made some tasteless remarks, as compared to Hillary who has committed at least 4 different kinds of TREASON, and is therefore not only less qualified, but actually DANGEROUS to the nation.
If that's unclear to you, just re-read my posts for the last few days, where I've detailed that.

The problem is not only the Democrats, but also the establishment wing of the Republican party (the Tea Party wing being the lone opposition to the establishment wing of the Republicans). A dominant group of Republicans within the party that are in near complete collusion with the Democrats, even as they posture with faint noises of protest. So the majority of the two parties are essentially one party, controlled by globalists and campaign finance, subservient to globalist corporations that have no loyalty to the United States or its workers, and globalist idealogues like George Soros, the Wall Street banks, and the globalists in Brussels, Belgium. And the establishment Republicans, just like the Democrats, are enriching themselves by selling out to those interests.

Donald Trump stands in opposition to all that, and would destroy their profitable sell-out of the United States to foreign interests. That's why Trump winning terrifies the Republican establishment, and why they take every opportunity to cripple Trump, and claw at him tooth and nail.
Long before Trump was ever revealed to say something inappropriate, the same establishment Republican attacks were made at Ted Cruz, because like Trump, Cruz also represents a threat to their profitable partnership with the Democrats, selling out our country to lobbyists, against the national interest.
Former speaker John Boehner was overheard at a party saying he would prefer to have Hillary Clinton win than Ted Cruz. And several other Republicans have said the same. Despite having an (-R) next to their names, these are definitely not conservatives representing their constituents or Reagan-Conservative interests.

Trump is an outsider who can come in and clean up the mess made by Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, and is the >>>>ONLY<<<< candidate of either party who has seriously addressed the 20 trillion (and rapidly climbing) national debt, the expensive limited foreign wars we're not allowed to win, the threat of Islamic radicalism, common-sense screening of muslim immigration, serious commitment to defeat ISIS, securing the U.S. border, finally stopping illegal immigration, policy that encourages business growth and jobs expansion, and policy that brings back factories and jobs that have left the United States.

The proper comments by Republican leaders, if they were really interested in Republican/conservative values and what's best for the nation, is to say they disagree with Trump on X, Y and Z, but compared to Hillary Clinton he is still the far better candidate, who is the ONLY candidate who will address the above issue, and both strengthen and unify the nation in the process.

Can you not see that the media is not demonstrating the slightest balance and objectivity, and are essentially a branch of the Hillary Clinton campaign?
As I've said often, every poll of the media for 50 years has manifested they are at least 80% liberal. And never more unashamedly liberal-partisan than under Barack Obama, and even more zealously so under Hillary Clinton.

Paul Ryan, McCain and the like are fronting a deception, and the media are perfectly willing, eager, to carry their water and advance Hillary's candidacy.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.