Gosh you're an odd man.


To make it more accurate for the West however, it would be appropriate to point out that intellectual authorities have not simply been using inflation to discourage white birthrates, but also socially engineered stigmas toward the family unit--stigmas that they wouldn't dream of pushing on non-Europeans.

In so far as that is comprehensible, an independent peer-reviewed citation please.


So when they--and you--encourage further immigration for the purpose of replacing a dwindling workforce, the intention is made clear that you're not simply scoring Social Justice brownie points by calling Euro-descendants "racists" and "xenophobes", but also serving to artificially breed them--and their cultures--out of existence.

This is an illogical chain.

First, please explain how the advocation of immigration leads to calling "Euro-descendents" "racists" and "xenophobes."

Where is the precise correlation between advocation of immigration and calling whites "racists and xenophobes"?

Please explain your logic succinctly.

a. White population is diminishing.
b. Solution proposed by me: immigration.
c. Pariah's conclusion: allowing brown people in will lead to "artificially breed [white people]--and their cultures--out of existence".

This is called a false dilemma. You say one must lead to the other, excluding all other scenarios.

This one is a cracker, the next jump from the false dilemma:


You trying to say that you ever cared for the European phenotype when you've always been in favor of policies that sought to destroy it

First, did I ever say I cared for the European phenotype?


by means of fostering white guilt and ridiculously expensive, recession-inducing policies that deter white people from breeding--

Tee-hee. I'm a eugenicist! Citation, please.


even as you emotionally blackmailed them



into supporting all manner of poor, non-white immigrants who fuck like rabbits and eat up benefits

I wonder what you think of African-Americans in that context? Or Hispanic-Americans? Because I think where we are going with this is that you like racial purity.

Dark-skinned people breed like rabbits.
They take taxpayer dollars through government benefits.
They undermine white culture.
Their breeding will lead to replacement of whites by people with dark skin - whites being bred "out of existence".
Whites should be encouraged to breed so as to not be overwhelmed by dark skinned people.

We're close enough to South Africa down here for me to have heard all of this before.

Oh, sorry, you have your unassailable shield of me emotionally blackmailing you and calling you racist and xenophobic because I disagree with you. This excuses you from listening and rationalising a differing perspective, and it on your logic prevents me from knowing an elephant from a zebra.


--is absolutely fucking laughable.

Once, you were a rational guy with out-of-the-box views which I found challenging and thoughtful. I think as you have become older, you have become less curious generally, but especially about thinking - even unorthodox thinking - which doesn't conform to your paradigm on life, and have transformed your intelligent suspicion into an insular paranoia. You've blinkered yourself to different views, and exclusively listened to your own views mirrored back at you by your peers. That's an unfortunate waste.

I'm tempted to go on at the risk of patronising you, but I recognise that the likelihood of you being able to take this on board and process it is remote. You are now, for the worse, unable.

The rest of your rant - not a reasoned response - seems unnecessary to address as it an equally irrational jigsaw.

You have vent your spleen, and not just refused to give consideration, you have utterly failed in persuasion - and indeed, having seen where your perspective on life leads I have no desire to drown in self-conceit and insulation.

There is no measured debate here. Accordingly, no need to respond, Pariah, although I'm sure you'll want the last message-board word.

Pimping my site, again.
