And Pariah can answer on his own, but either ALL, or virtually all, of Pariah's points are answered in a book I've discussed extensively
here, with all the "independent peer reviewed citation" you could possibly ask for. Death of the West by Pat Buchanan.

Including a U.N. study in the second chapter of the decline of Europeans in first-world nations.

All tied in with globalism's stated goal of breaking the nationalism of nations resistant to submitting to globalization. One example
I can cite offhand is Quebec's long desire to secede from Canada. The only thing that has kept Quebecis from passing a majority vote
to secede is the massive wave of immigrants to Quebec, who unlike the French-Quebec natives see it as desireable to remain in
English-speaking Canada, and these immigrants blunted the vote to secede.

Undermining/destroying nationalism in nations to reign them into globalism is the stated goal of Strobe Talbott (a member of Bill
Clinton's White House cabinet) and other globalist/leftists, and bringing in masses of immigrants from third-world nations who are
indifferent if not openly hostile to white/European culture and national institutions is a perfect tool to bring this about.
It follows the goals of Globalists and Cultural Marxists perfectly. And it is part of the stated battle plan
of Cultural Marxists, as Buchanan lays out in the chapter "Four Who Made A Revolution". They openly plot to achieve cultural
revolution and destroy capitalism by partisanly bombarding the capitalist system with false attacks, until (despite the falsehoods
projected) the sheer volume of attacks that the capitalist/democracy system is inherently unfair and racist, that the new generation
culturally indoctrinated in its alleged unfairness makes them indifferent to defending it, and passively accept the new Marxist
social order (by whatever name) that replaces it. And its stated goal for doing this is to take over the pillars of culture to
indoctrinate this message, and overthrow the capitalist system with a coalition of the far left, and indoctrinated discontented minorities
of racial groups, gays and other discontents, to achieve power. This perfectly describes the campaigns of Barack Obama and
Hillary Clinton.

As well as similar Marxist/socialist rises to power in Bolivia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina. All gave freebies to the brown-
skinned poor, and voiced similar hostility toward ruling whites, to "take back" their countries from white/European conquerors.

I know you like to mock and be dismissive of anything that doesn't gel with your own U.N.-centric globalist ideology, and dismiss
anything that counters that ostensibly globalist ideology as bigoted, racist, or otherwise ignorant or silly, but there it is
right in front of your face, if YOU choose not to be ignorant and closed-minded, and actually look at it.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.