I don't see "groupthink" here (although of course you want to minimize the opinion of anyone who supports Trump), I see us as all having voted for Trump for various reasons, and that's pretty well laid out here.

The groupthink is among the human cattle who vote Democrat, who support Hillary Clinton no matter WHAT she has clearly done. How much would you demonize Trump (even more than now) if Trump had media elites and the DNC chair feeding him presidential debate questions, before not one, but TWO different televised debates? That alone would have ended Trump's candidacy, but the corrupt fucking morons on the Democrat side support her despite this, and despite all the other Clinton crimes, buyoffs, treasons, and everything else I listed above, and more.
Compared to that, whatever Trump has done makes him a choirboy by comparison. Trump is not selling the country out to globalists, and allowing tens of thousands of Islamic jihadists into the United States. Trump will re-build our military, enact policies that develop economic growth and jobs expansion.
Obama and Hillary's policies are the continued Alinsky/Cultural Marxist destruction of America, to pave the way for a new socialist order. They are hostile toward anything that would save us. Trump is not.