I love how M E M's party of social marxist Democrats, who have demonstrated over and over that they have absolutely no ethics, who weaponized the IRS to suppress religious conservative and Tea Party groups so they could win the 2012 election by a narrow 1%, whose Democrat Senate majority leader Harry Reid was approached about his slanders against Mitt Romney and asked to defend them, and could only cynically say "we won".
The Democrats, whose "fast and furious" gun scheme was intended to sell weapons to Mexican drug cartels and get people killed (and it did) just so they could blame gun retailers and crush the 2nd Amendment.

The Democrats, who rat-fucked their own primary candidate Bernie Sanders, and were exposed in e-mails plotting every dirty trick in the book to tank Sanders' candidacy, so they could anoint and crown Frau Hitlery. Every dirty trick, including cultivating anti-Semitism to make voters reject Sanders.

The Democrats, whose DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was exposed the day the DNC convention began, with her own self-incriminating e-mails to be part of the conspiracy to leverage out Bernie Sanders.

And after being forced to resign, was hired a nanosecond later to a leading role in the Hillary Clinton campaign. Which brazenly says that as DNC chair, she was doing Hillary Clinton's bidding.

The Democrats, whose new DNC chair Donna Brazile abused her position as a consultant for CNN to (with Roland Martin) feed Hillary Cinton the questions in advance for TWO presidential debates.

The Democrats, whose operatives stoking violence at Trump rallies were exposed as receiving $1,500 per violent incident they provoked, and boasted they had a "double wall" of insulated deniability, to hide their connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign.

THESE Democrats?!?
These are the people, M E M and his Bolsheviks, who are railing on Republicans for simply weighing the effectiveness of a particular ethics committee, in the absence of any GOP scandal?
Against a Death-Star-sized pile of ethicsless brazen CRIMES within their own DNC party?

At every turn for the last 4 years, Democrats have proven their complete lack of ethics, and eagerness to break the law. They have proven they will do anything, ANYTHING to win an election, without the slightest remorse, even when caught. Your questioning anyone else' ethics is laughable beyond belief.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.