Originally Posted By: M E M
They had a lot more town halls and transparency than the GOP is with their failed attempts.

I think even the Washington Post liberal media Factcheck site would dispute that. At one point when Democrats were debating Obamacare policy, they literally locked the doors of the meeting room to prevent Republicans from participating or even hearing their creation of Obamacare policy. As I've said repeatedly, Republicans offered a lot of suggestions and tried to participate, but were completely shut out and ignored. And as a result, Republicans have no stake in preserving Obamacare.

I would agree that I don't want to see Republicans similarly shut out Democrats in a replacement healthcare bill. But Obamacare is destructive and has to be completely repealed.
A replacement bill has to:
1) Not have a mandate where you are forced to buy it against your will.
2) It has to be private care, with reforms that incentivize competition that lowers prices, such as allowing insurance to be sold across state lines, and allowing individuals to pool insurance to let individuals get lower rates.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
There wasn't even a token attempt at bipartisanship with you guys either. Pelosi was just saying that with time the benefits of the bill would become apparent. It wasn't passed in secrecy but in a "fog of controversy ". And the program has indeed gained in popularity over the years. If it wasn't I suspect your party would have a much easier time trying to replace it.

I want Republicans to be as inclusive as possible, and one person I definitely want them to include is Sen. Manchin (D-WV), possibly the only moderate left in the Democrat party. But I do want Republicans to be inclusive of Democrat ideas in the replacement bill.

But aside from Sen. Manchin, I haven't heard one Democrat say they would be on board for repeal of Obamacare, and it has to happen, it is collapsing (which was ALWAYS THE PLAN, see Jonathan Gruber above), to deceitfully create a system that was designed to collapse that would require a federal bailout and become a federal-entitlement single payer system, like that of Canada or the U.K. (i.e., rationed care, i.e., diminished quality of care, as we are already seeing).

I don't buy what you said about Pelosi. It is a fact that Democrats voted to create Obamacare without even reading the legislation they voted on, it is a fact that they used a calculated web of deceptions to ram it through. It is a fact that 53% OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC OPPOSED ITS PASSING, AND THAT NUMBER ACTUALLY GREW TO 56% IN THE YEARS AFTER ITS PASSAGE.
It is a fact that the CBO estimated that 25 million would enroll for Obamacare, and currently only 10 million are utilizing it, and tens of millions of others were forced to lose the private care they were perfectly happy with.
It is a fact that Obamacare, that was touted to lower insurance costs, has actually raised costs an average of over $3,000 per person.

The only people who are happy with Obamacare are the ones who are being subsidized and not picking up the tab.
50% of people making less than $50,000 a year have opted to pay the penalty for not purchasing the mandated Obamacare insurance --THE VERY LOW INCOME PEOPLE OBAMACARE WAS ALLEGEDLY CREATED TO HELP!

And needless to say, the loss of jobs and loss of full time work that Obamacare has created, stifling economic growth.

So... I don't buy that Obamacare is "more popular" now. People despise it. The only reservation is what to replace it with.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.