Beyond the insults, precisely what is it you're trying to say, Iggy? On topic, that is.

You're just hurling insults without saying anything lucid.

Trump won in an electoral landslide. The mainstream media (MSM) got it wrong in virtually every poll.
Democrats, with aid of the mainstream media, have tried to circumnavigate the election with every dirty trick possible, and when that failed, they moved on to the "Russian collusion" narrative.

Trump is still a nationalist who is trying to secure our borders, lower taxes, reduce federal regulation, rebuild our military, and create economic growth. For all your insults, Trump is largely doing all those things. Despite the occasional wrong move or twitter outburst.
The stock market has risen 20% in Trump's first 6 months.
Illegal immigration is down by 70%, what other president has ever done that?

No administration is error-free. But Trump is doing a lot right.
Even Mexico has acknowledged that far less illegals are entering Mexico now, because they know they won't be able to cross the North Mexican border into the U.S., and many are choosing not to even make the attempt.