Honestly, I think Trump stands a good chance of losing the momentum the markets have had since his win in November and it could hit with an equities market correction that is long overdue. Another issue is that the gains still aren't really kickstarting wage growth that needs to move along with it. Also, keep an eye on the growing divide between selling and buying of stocks. Selling is starting to drift ahead of buying in a bad way.

That said, I'll give him that the market is gangbusters at the moment and that July jobs numbers did a lot to correct after June dipped and April/May were readjusted down.

Also, let's think about the idea that he wants Obamacare to implode. Something that could put a large swath of the economy in the tank. Sure, you can point and say it was Obama's fault but there is also a good chance people are going to say it happened under your watch and you cheered it on.

Think how much more "winning" could be going on right now if he actually governed as opposed to tweetingstorming for his sycophantic base. And, hey, cool if getting Kelly as CoS may be the first move toward this.

Lastly, 46.1% of the electorate went for Trump. I do not believe that is representative of the majority of the people. He hits 50% in 2020 and I'll call it a mandate.