Former DNC chair Donna Brazile joins former Clinton 1992 campaign staffer George Stephanopoulos to discuss her new book on the 2016 campaign. She said that those who are telling her to keep quiet about what happened with regard to Russian hackers, and the problems she discovered while running the Democratic Party can "go to hell."

"George, for those who are telling me to shut up, they told Hillary that a couple months ago. You know what I tell them? Go to hell. I’m going to tell my story," Brazile told ABC’s 'This Week' on Sunday.

Excerpts from Brazile's book have gained much attention this week with regard to the details of an agreement between the Clinton campaign's fundraising committee and the DNC.

"I'm not on the payroll, George. I care about my country. I care about our democracy," Brazile said. "And I say go to hell, because why am I supposed to be the only person that is unable to tell my story?"

Despite the fiery posturing, I don't see that she's taking a principled stand for anything, other than selling her book. If she cared about her country, she wouldn't have fed Hillary the debate questions in advance to TWO televised debates.

If Brazile cared about her country, she would have exposed Hillary Clinton's corruption during the campaign as it was occurring. She defended her bitch-queen until she lost. And now that Hillary's ship is sinking and she is already losing the DNC, Brazile is selling a book to capitalize on it. But no one should make the mistake that Brazile has any more ethics than the Hildebeast she is exposing.