Originally Posted By: WB
While it is true that, not figuring the inevitable growth resulting from a tax cut, the tax cuts will initially cause an increase in the debt of an estimated 1.4 trillion, within 2 or 3 years the economic growth resulting will more than pay for that. The economy in Trump's first year has already grown by 3.4%, which again, is far higher than Obama's 1.8% annual growth over Obama's entire 8 years.

For Trump's tax cuts to bring growth, the economy only has to grow 0.4% annually to pay for itself. And far beyond that, is expected to grow 3 or 4% a year, and again, has already grown 3.4% tis year alone (probably 4% already, if not for the economic loss of 5 devastating hurricanes that hit the U.S.). And that's WITHOUT the tax cuts!

I fail to see that you've made any case whatsoever for what Obama "has done from year to year", as if it was some great achievement. In fact, Obama's was the worst and smallest recorded economic recovery after any recession ON RECORD. Period.

And most importantly, you bemoan deficit spending as if it were Armageddon under Trump, but the tax cuts take away $1.4 trillion (AGAIN: which more than pays for itself in economic growth), whereas Obama's 8 years added $10 trillion in debt to the U.S., more debt than all other presidents combined. Funny how you selectively omit that crucial fact, and demonstrate very selective and partisan outrage over a president's policy creating debt!

Even in the worst case scenario that the economic growth doesn't more than pays for the tax break, speculating 1.5 trillion in new debt under Trump is certainly far less than the 10 trillion accumulated under 8 years of Obama. Or even the 5 trillion under W. Bush.