Originally Posted By: the G-man
If we accept the premise that most news organizations are biased in One Direction or another one might argue that people should watch news from the other perspective.

For example my Amazon echo flash briefing plays five minutes of FOXNews and then five minutes of NPR.

I've always made an effort to do that.

If I'm honest, though, I watch less liberal media than I used to, because it has become so leftist partisan and slanted. There used to be a difference between MSNBC and outlets like CNN, ABC and CBS. Now it is a race to the bottom, where there is not even the slightest pretense of objectivity, many reporters have openly said they consider it their holy mission to bring down Trump. In that mindset from a news network, why would I bother watching their zealously clear agenda to lie to me?

A few reminders:


https://ricochet.com/archives/political-views-of-journalists-my-feud-with-eric-alterman-part-2/ (93% of reporters voted for Obama, a higher ratio than even the most liberal regions of the country)