Pat Buchanan yesterday, interviewed by Laura Ingraham basically says that the media who embraced this Wolff gossip book predictably hype it. But the people who voted for Trump and his populist agenda will ignore it and move on.

He also compares the type of assaults on Trump (crazy, will start a war, dementia, mentally unbalanced, psychologically unfit) are all tactics they used previously on Ronald Reagan. Despite Reagan's proven track record. Interestingly, Buchanan says that only years after was Reagan's presidency recognized for its long-term achievement and benefit to the United States.
And that Trump, for all the media attacks, has already achieved quite a bit as well.

He also talks about the globalist/corporate control of both parties since the 1970's that has hurt us as a nation (moving factories and jobs to third-world nations, global free trade that kills jobs in the U.S., massive legal and illegal immigration that further threatens jobs of U.S. workers), and the rejection of that by voters of both parties in choosing Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump over the likes of establishment candidates like Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton.

As Ralph Nader and others said in a 3rd-party candidate debate in 2008 on C-Span, the real debate among U.S. voters should not be about conservative vs. liberal, but about globalist vs. nationalist.