That's very funny, because last night watching Lou Dobbs (David Asman filling in for him) one of the panelists said that he was amazed in the wake of Porter's resignation, that Trump "has the most remarkably competent core left of economic and military advisors of any administration in my lifetime." And Asman readily agreed.

You have a Secretary of State who ran Exxon/Mobil, which last time I looked was the largest corporation on earth in profit, to the point that its profits exceeded numbers 2,3,4,5, and 6 combined. Who has managed world-spanning budgets that exceed the annual GNP of many countries.

Trump's chief of staff is a general who was in command and had a plan to win in Iraq and Syria, but Barack Obama fired him. Now we are seeing that general's plan implemented, and in barely a year has wiped out out 97% (!!!!) of ISIS strongholds.

Similarly economically, Trump has overseen the largest stock market gain of our lifetimes. And even a few days of very large corrections have not come close to eliminating the gains.

Looking back at the Bill Clinton and Barack Obama administrations, I saw a number of similar exposures, scandals, and forced resignations. In Obama's case, an unprecedented number of unvetted corrupt incompetents that were, when exposed, unable to take the cabinet positions they were appointed to. Including a Treasury secretary who had not paid his taxes!

So... spare me the diatribes about how Trump's people aren't the best.

And as I recall, even Porter's ex wife didn't feel his past offense rose to the level he should lose his office.