Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You would have just called them liars using other rationalizations. I wouldn't go that far but you are incorrect to say they are proven. Unlike Spanky, Clinton didn't need to have everybody including exwives sign non disclosure forms or threaten any woman that made accusations with lawsuits with his thug fixer Cohen. I suspect there will be more women coming forward after Cohen goes down btw.

They ARE proven, in the cases of Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. There is absolutely no denying that.

As Kathleen Willie and Juanita Broaddrick can attest, the Clintons have their fixers, and way beyond the law. In the Roger Stone youtube video I posted yesterday to the JFK assassination topic, Stone says the guy who threatened Kathleen Willie and killed her cat to intimidate her said he doesn't regret his actions, he only wishes he charged Hillary more for silencing a threat to the Clintons. As I linked previously, there is a long list of journalists and witnesses who died mysteriously right before they went public about their knowledge of the Clintons.

And by the way, you've gone way the fuck off the deep end with your uncivility and insults toward President Trump. He is still the president, and a very accomplished president. And absolutely nothing Trump has been accused of has turned out to be true.

When I insult the Clintons or the Obamas, it is based on their actions, their proven radical histories, and their undisputed lawless power grabs. As contrasted with Trump, who has rolled back authoritarianism, cut state regulations, and arguably restored Constitutional freedoms.

And you are speculating what I think without evidence. I'm proud that Republicans have the integrity to pressure those within their ranks who have done wrong to resign. In the case of Mark Foley, I said right off he should resign (while simultaneously pointing out how many Democrats who had done even worse were not given the same pressure.)
I'm proud that rather than just clinging to power (as Democrats did with Clinton's impeachment in 1998) Republicans in 1974 sided with Democrats and called for impeachment of Nixon. They went against party politics to do what was right. I frankly can't imagine the Democrats in the last 15 years doing the same. Quite the opposite, Democrats on multiple fronts openly promote lawlessness and corruption to advance their goals and score political wins.
Election fraud.
Labelling any attempt at voter identification, as "racist", to keep illegal Democrat votes from being weeded out.
Promoting Illegal immigration and amnesty to get more Democrat voters.
Sanctuary cities.
Obstructing border security.
Violence against conservatives to silence free speech, in bookstores, on college campuses, and in places like Charlottesville (and I'm not defending Klansmen, I'm defending the majority there who were civil protestors for preserving confederate monuments as a preservation of actual history.)
Constantly using tactics of smear and intimidation to silence and marginalize their conservative opposition. The smears against Roy Moore that allowed their candidate to narrowly win is another example. It cost Moore just enough support to lose, and it's yet another example of how vile and low your party is. Not just on occasion, but as a standard Alinsky/Leninist practice.

You're the party of Clinton corruption, Obama corruption, of operators like Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Donna Brazile, of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, the party of George Soros and his Shadow Party, the party of abortion, assisted suicide, open borders, disarming our military, of shaming America as a racist place to splinter it along race and class lines (to advance Democrat party interests while destroying the nation), and ultimately, hating America.
And on every one of those fronts, undermining law to advance Democrat power.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.