Originally Posted By: Captain Sammitch
I'm so glad we have Wondy here to defend the put-upon, downtrodden white men of America. The true silent victims of this travesty.

As we've discussed before, white America was 89% of the population in 1965, and in barely 50 years, that population has been slashed in half due to third-world immigration policy. It is increasingly fashionable to rage on white America for past racial injustices, when in truth we should be proud of how open and receptive our culture has become to other races and cultures, and how we have compensated for past injustices like no other culture. Throughout the 1970's, 1980's 1990's and early 2000's, I've always been proud of that.
Only at the point where racial grudge and conquest over white America has become the goal of liberal/minority policy have I come to see that as a threat. At some subtle point, it became clear that it was not about shared racial equality, but on crushing and displacing white America. And where we don't just share our culture with other races who would assimilate and become one with us, but increasingly are stoked to hate white America and replace us.

We are seeing the decline and replacement of white America through immigration policy, that admits only 18% European immigration annually. What other purpose is there for that policy, other than to demographically annihilate white America?

And California also shows the way of the future, where Mexican immigrants, who do not assimilate and remain poor across multiple generations, are given preferential treatment over U.S. taxpaying citizens. Impoverished aliens who demand ever higher taxes extorted out of white (and Asian) Americans to pay for the drain they put on California's government. "White flight" by smarter Californians (middle and upper class Californians fleeing CA and moving to other nearby states, in disgust for their being heavily taxed to subsidize illegal immigrants and other policy they have no control over, despite their being the ones expected to pay for it) is the result. But what happens when these illegals spread to the rest of the U.S., and there is no better place to leave your state to immigrate to?

I first became aware of this problem emerging in Western/European nations worldwide, ALL being overwhelmed by third-world immigrants, when I read DEATH OF THE WEST by Pat Buchanan. And that is precisely the plan of globalists, to crush nationalism as a step toward a North American union, and ultimately a global one-world government. And for the elites orchestrating it, from the G.H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations forward, their goal is the destruction of U.S. sovereignty. Black rage toward whites is stoked by white liberals, and this video is just another brick in the pyramid
of that mountain of propaganda. When they are done, the whole country will look like the burning business storefronts in Ferguson, Missouri.

But yeah, sure, Phil. Despite the statistical propensity for black-on-white violence (black on white violence is 50-to-1 of the reverse, remember?), blacks are the victims, and ohhhhh it's just paranoid to see whites as downtrodden, right?

But that is precisely where things are headed, and that has been the liberal/globalist plan for decades.

Cultural Marxism is where a small core of white Marxists stoke hatred of the white majority in non-whites, to rally minorities to their Marxist cause, and once the Cultural Marxists are in power, pay minorities off with wealth redistribution in the form of social spending (i.e., welfare benefits). This is a Marxist battle plan that has been replicated in Venezuela, Brazil, Bolivia and many other places worldwide.
This allows the Democrats (oops! I mean Cultural Marxists!) to stay in power with a permanent election majority, until the whole thing comes crashing down. As Margaret Thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is at some point, you run out of other people's money."

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.