I never would have imagined an obituary for Ditko in Reason.com, but thinking twice about Ditko's objectivist obsession, it makes perfect sense!

Also interesting that at least two of Reason.com's contributors other than Ditko come from the comics world.

I have a few of Ditko's more avant-garde objectivist comics. In his creation of THE QUESTION, Ditko's objectivism came across a bit more calmly and rationally (I have the origin story in one of DC's MILLENNIUM EDITION reprints.) Ditko's later objectivist writings in comics are much further off the deep end, and rather than convert people to objectivism, I felt his comics just made it seem like an obsessively crazy notion.

I (and probably many) tend to forget what a huge contribution Ditko made to the various Charleton heroes, that were later refined into Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' WATCHMEN series. But without Ditko preceding them, there never would have been a WATCHMEN. I wonder what Ditko thought of Alan Moore's Rorschach.