I wonder if Ditko ever met or had a personal relationship with Ayn Rand.

I know Ditko left DC abruptly because he was really ticked off about the way Dennis O'Neil, Steve Skeates and editor Dick Giordano on both books re-interpreted his intended vision for HAWK AND THE DOVE and THE CREEPER, to the point he left both series very suddenly, and Jack Sparling was brought in (uncredited) to finish pencils on the last half of CREEPER issue 6, the last issue of the series. And Gil Kane finished issues 3-6 of HAWK AND THE DOVE.

I can't imagine Ditko was overly pleased with Dennis O'Neil being selected in 1987 to revive THE QUESTION, another Ditko character. A run I actually enjoyed quite a bit. But definitely more "Zen" than Ayn Rand.

Ditko wasn't the most visible creator, but he quietly created a lot of characters over the last 50-plus years, that have continued or been revived by other hands after he moved on.