It continues to scare me how so few owners control everything we see and hear in the media.

It was scary when it was just a merger of Time-Warner.
Then it was Time-Warner-CNN.
Then it was Time-Warner-CNN-AOL!

Now you have groups like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter who are suppressing the conservative side of the political dialogue. In really devious and secret ways. Like algorithms that weed out conservative opinion and news. And "shadow-banning" users so they're not officially banned, but no one can read material they post. Including the ONLY members of congress (U.S. Representatives Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes, and Matt Goetz, just the "freedom caucus" core of those holding the Meuller investigation to account for falsified evidence the investigate the president! Nothing the nation should discuss! )

To me, that's a larger issue than being able to make a movie uniting all the Marvel characters.