That's just the usual horseshit, M E M. The never-Trumpers inside the GOP will always take the opportunity to bash Trump, regardless.

Again, Trump's comments were a preliminary statement before all the facts are known. Diplomacy. We are still very slowly seeing the fact leak out.
Ultimately, it is not what Trump says that matters, it is what Trump does.

The reality is, Saudy Arabia is a vital player in the mid east, and a bulwark against the ambitions of Iran. There is also a war in Yemen the Saudis have been waging. And a military contrat where we provide them with about $110 billion in planes and other weapons, that provide jobs in the United States.

I was surprised to hear some things from Robert Jordan, the most recent former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He said what I've thought for several days, that it's too soon for Trump to take action regarding the Saudi killing, before the facts are known.

He suggested that Trump could state the $110 billion arms shipment is suspended until this is resolved. There is no pending shipment, so that would not delay anything, but would make a political statement that the Saudis have to cooperate and come clean.
I was astonished, he said that Trump should immediately fill the empty U.S. ambassador positions to Saudi Arabia and Turkey, given the turmoil and need to negotiate in those regions. I was astonished that such key positions were open! I don't know whether it is that Trump has not appointed ambassadors, or that their approval is delayed at the House or Senate committee level. As is the case with many Trump appointments.