We all want the very best for you, LLance.

I just ran across these homepathic remedies for cancer, that could be supplemental treatment that might help you:


In general, stop eating sugar, sugar is a breeding ground for cancer. You could also look what foods to avoid, as well as foods that will help boost your immunity. And eating fresh uncooked fruit, vegetables and nuts (i.e., a "vegan" diet).

There was a long article cover-featured in PENTHOUSE back in January 1994, that I sent a copy of to my uncle many years later when I learned he had cancer (prostate cancer, which he struggled with for about 15 years).
The article was titled "AIDS is not a Death Sentence", that while specifically about AIDS, was more broadly about boosting your natural immunity to fight all kinds off disease. And interviewed 4 men who were not just HIV positive, but were in the death throes of full-blown AIDS, and their doctors had given them just months left to live. But they, mostly through diet, were in complete remission and had fully recovered.
A couple "juiced" fruit and vegetables in a blender that broke down heaalthy foods so they were easier to digest and fully get the nutritional content of.

It was in a period when I'd begun reading PENTHOUSE again for photo-spreads and interviews of Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and a few other girls in the headlines around that time.
Just reading for the articles, of course! I was partly reading for content that drew my attention, and partly for nostalgia, since I'd enjoyed reading PENTHOUSE in my high school and college years from roughly 1979-1986.