Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
You keep trying to make what Trump did okay but he did endorse somebody that physically assaulted a journalist who was just asking a legitimate question. Than the coward tried to lie about it and pin the blame on the journalist. Instead of any type of condemnation last week Trump offered praise. "That's my kind of guy" And if you brought a knife I certainly would want a club handy. Nothing wrong with what Obama said.

How many different ways do I have to say the same thing, M E M?
Trump said it in a joking context. And he never directly said that what Gianforte did was something he endorsed or that others should go out there and body slam reporters or Democrats. Trump said in the same sentence that he thought Gianforte had hurt himself politically by body-slamming the reporter, and that he would lose. But that (joking context) it actually seemed to help Gianforte in the election. Right there, Trump is saying that's something he himself wouldn't do. Then, not the act, but he praised Gianforte's physical strength and ability to do that. And he praised the voters of Montana present at the rally who voted for Gianforte for their independent-mindedness. And the compliments to both the candidate and the state's voters were the pretty much identical to those he's given at any other candidate rally.

I myself said that if I were Trump or one of his advisors, I would not encourage praise of Gianforte's actions, even in a joking context. Precisely because it could be spun by Democrats to be endorsing violence.
But then, even if Trump had not made any remark about the incident, Democrats would say EVEN APPEARING ON STAGE with Gianforte was an endorsement of body slamming the reporter. So Trump really can't win. If Trump had never visited Montana, and never said a word about Gianforte ever, Dems and CNN would still bash Trump as supporting violence by simply not condemning Gianforte.

Meanwhile... all the Democrats I listed above, who overtly stoked and endorsed violence. Your hypocrisy is on full display.

It's just like Florida governor-candidate Andrew Gillum, when his Republican opponent Ron Desantis said we shouldn't "monkey around" with a Florida economy that's been growing for 10 years, and Gillum manufactured a context where that was a racial comment calling Gillum a monkey.

When you hold your own to the same standard, on far more overt calls for violence against their political opposition, I will take you seriously.