Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham both tonight had very good information on the cost of illegal immigration, and of children born to illegals in the U.S. and entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth despite their illegals status.

As Buchanan also partly cited in his book STATE OF EMERGENCY in 2006, illegal children are roughly 10% of all births in the U.S. (Buchanan cites in 2006 the estimate of roughly 300,000 of 3 million U.S. births annually.) That it bankrupts hospitals when immigrants are given medical care they cannot afford for the births other care, and that at that time (2006) it had bankrupted 10 hospitals in California. Probably a lot more by now.
And that when the children turn 21, they can sponsor their parents and entire extended family for immigration to the U.S. And that even as a newborn infant, they qualify their illegal immigrant parents for welfare to care for them.

Ingraham cites that the estimate held since 2000 of 12 million illegals in the U.S. is now considered vastly below the actual number, now estimated at roughly 22 million illegals in the U.S. (and I think even that estimate is too low, actually more in the range of 40 million illegals in the U.S.)
And based on that higher 22 million number of illegals, the number of illegal births are estimated at 400,000 to 600,000 a year, at an estimated annual cost to taxpaying U.S. citizens of 2.4 billion annually.

The total cost of all illegal immigration annually is now estimated at $136 billion.

Donald Trump (consistent with his 2016 campaign rhetoric) today proposed either a Constitutional amendment/law or (secondary option) an executive order that children born to women illegally in this country will no longer be entitled to U.S. citizenship at birth.