1) Trump has given raises to Vets that Obama didn't.

2) Trump has given our forces the ability to act militarily, and win, without constrictive ridiculous rules of engagement that Obama imposed, that got a lot of soldiers killed. Fuck Obama, that is blood directly on his hands.

3) Trump has cleaned up the V.A. hospital fiasco that Obama had let fester his entire 8 years, that killed vets by denying treatment. Trump has also allowed vets to use other non-VA hospitals for treatment if they cannot get the treatment they need or desire within the VA system.

4) if Obama were a foreign sleeper agent sent to destroy America, he could not have done (or be doing, post-Presidency) more damage to this country. He stokes racial and class division, he undermines the current president (a far better and more pro-American president, who is quantifiably in every realm achieving a lot more than Obama did in his 8 years).

But then, Obama's goal was always destroying America, not building it.

Dinesh D'Souza: Why Obama Wants To Destroy America

What we regard as Obama's failures are in truth successes for Obama's core ideology of Cultural Marxism, Anti-Colonialism, and Liberation Theology: destroying U.S./European global and economic power, collapsing U.S. influence over the Middle East region, and transferring wealth and economic resources to third-world nations.

A few other manifestations of Obama's contempt and endangerment of our military:

1) Two marines in separate incidents were wrongfully imprisoned in Mexico. Obama never once said a word or did ANYTHING to secure their release. One almost died of dysentery.

2) A military recruiter was shot and killed, Obama didn't say a word in sympathy or regret for his death, until 2 weeks later when he was shamed into making an obligatory public statement.

3) When muslim Nidal Hasan shot up a Texas military base, Obama denied soldiers who were involved medals for bravery and purple hearts, dubbing it "workplace violence". And by doing so, also denied them military-benefits medical treatment for their injuries.

4) the Bo Bergdahl amnesty and ridiculous deal, to secure a traitor's release at an enormous cost. No sympathy expressed for the 4 soldiers who were killed looking for Bergdahl when he deserted.

5) the release of Al Qaida's "board of directors", 5 high profile Al Qaida leaders, who were supposed to be kept under guard in Saudi Arabia, and just yesterday were confirmed to ALL be back on the battlefield plotting military campaigns against U.S. soldiers.

Oh yeah. Obama cares so much about our military.